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C and p exam reddit

C and p exam reddit. I also injured both knees. . Dr. Every time I have to go to the VA or talk to them about anything, I have a breakdown. I submitted the results along with the CPAP prescription. The C and P exams seem to be meant to be confusing and/or intimidating. Just looking for what to expect and any advice. The C&P exam was last and that took about an hour. Moving forward I recent completed a PTSD/MST-PT C&P Exam through Veterans Evaluation Services (VES). The C&P exams may be completed at a VA facility or with a VA contract examiner. Main incident: I was gunning in an open turret MATV and the driver hit a waddie. I had my C&P this week. I didn’t complain of any issues from it. If you have one coming up with them I hope you get the same respect! Jan 1, 2023 · The C&P Exam is the #1 most important day in the VA claim process, and the results of your exam will literally make or break your final VA disability rating. We don’t want to screw you. You should be scheduled a C&P Dental exam. Mine was a records review only, I got a phone call from the examiner and it lasted 10min that was it. The VA claims process consists of a lot of “hurry up and wait. I had private DBQ's and nexus letter for ptsd the va used as evidence for claim but still sent to a c&p exam. My exam was maybe 20 minutes. He asked a few questions, and had me stand up and try to lean forward, backwards and sideways. I know someone who had a bad C&P exam and requested another C&P exam and received a favorable decision on the 2nd C&P exam. For anyone who will listen, I just wanted to mention that yesterday I had a VES C&P Exam for Nerve Pain for my wrist. On the second one (done by QTC) she shoved a finger up and found internals, documented blood seepage, and possible anal leakage due to weakened muscles. Then I had the audio exam. The appointment lasted about 10 mins and he acknowledged the DDEAMC diagnosis. I've worked with them before since COVID has the VA backed up and they're easy to work withmuch better than a VA employee. Wanted to share my experience with a recent PTSD C&P exam. I spent less than 10 minutes checking off all the boxes and for the Dr. Then again, a VA doctor whom he had never seen or met, walked into his hospital room during an appt (not with her), told him to be quiet because she was going to help him out, filled Hey all! So today I had my audio appt for Tinnitus, I explained everything to the Dr about the ringing, how long its been going on, etc etc. I hit the . During the exam he just asked me a few questions, but then did perform a physical exam on me. I took the pre exam course, which is a prerequisite to taking the WV state exam. Hello everyone. LHI was the contractor that set it up. One of the top lines says I do not meet the DSM-5 but goes on to check the remaining boxes. I’m new here and I have a c and p this week (ptsd) and I’m a little nervous. For me, my case relies heavily on my statement and lay statements. This morning I woke up to an e-mail from VES stating the VA had scheduled me for another C&P exam. Oh ya I forgot to mention if you have some high frequency hearing loss they grant you tinnitus. The thing is that the raters are not experts in medical information. A few days after submitting my claim, along with a slew of records, I noticed Optum (oh boy) was contracted to perform a couple C&P exams - but over the telephone. In this guide, you’ll learn 10 expert tips to dominate your C&P exam, even if you’re scared or don’t know what to expect, which will help you get the VA rating and compensation you deserve. the VA is taking their sweet time as usual, it’s been a month since the exam and the claim is still in EAG. The Dr. ” Scheduled for this c and p but it worries me why she said that. Choose all types of information. Whenever you get an exam and the wrong exam has been requested, deny that exam because it will delay your claim longer than to have it rescheduled Generally, the only time the VA will make rating decisions without C&P exams are for conditions were there is such a preponderance of evidence, that an exam would be completely unnecessary. Hi all. Find out how to schedule your exam, what to expect during your appointment, and how long it usually takes to get a decision after your exam. Then on the VA website it told me that i qualify for tdiu and i could file the paperwork. For guys who start the VA process before getting discharged, make sure to include DoD Military Service Info. Just randomly decided to check reddit while listening to their bad hold music. Did they originally deny due to pyramiding? I just had a fibro C&P and now a mental health C&P next week, so I don’t know what they are trying to do…I have anxiety diagnosis and fibro diagnosis…I am confused in the pyramiding aspect and see some vets get connection while others don’t. First, it was a virtual exam with 2 hours set aside. I'm new to the whole posting on the reddit board thing, however, I've been reading the forums for years. I did this and about 3 months later i was approved I had a C&P examination for my right knee. And he has bad knees and has a chronic Hello all, After months of waiting I finally received my C&P Exam appointment dates, they scheduled for the end of this week. While serving, I broke my elbow and wrist. The probability of more extensive imaging like MRI/CT are very slim. I then filed a separate supplemental claim for sinusitis in late August and a day later had my C&P exam scheduled (it was today). I made it a point to not take more than 2 sections per day. It’s when pain begins, not when motion is absolutely impossible. The purpose of C&P exams is for a medical expert to turn your information into something for the rater to understand and Thanks for responding - did you get a C&P exam after all? I called the 1800 today and found out my supplemental went to PFD 5 days after I opened the claim (that's pretty quick)-- and a week before my C&P exam for an increase of SC disability. Hopefully the 2nd C&P exam will get you what you deserve for your claim(s). At the end, the docs statement is similar to the 10% rating description but I do not feel that describes the severity of my symptoms. If the examiner is doing his/her job, expect to go over your mental health history before the military, what you experienced during the military that caused or aggravated your mental health, what’s happened since you left the military, and symptoms/impairment that you’re dealing with now. Background again: Army 11B, deployed to Afghanistan 12-13. I have nothing but bad C&P exams since 2020. I wish they would not do the x-rays, as previous ones have shown this. fill out form, get it printed right there. Has anyone had a C&P exam where they felt like the examiner was super helpful? I had one the other week where I thought that they would service connect me with just about anything with a high disability rating. Read the 6 pitfalls to avoid at a VA C&P exam. If you claimed benefits for several disabilities, you may be asked to report for one or more exams, so each disability can be assessed by an appropriate examiner. I was given another C&P exam, which had actually gone very well from what I was able to tell. Anyway, had a C&P on Feb 20 and my VSO told me a few minutes ago that no results have been sent since that exam 6 weeks ago. Hi there. Expect a dental exam and probably dental X-rays. After not hearing back for a month or so after the exam I was told to contact the VA Compensation hotline and ask them to see what is keeping it on hold. For some reason i never had to have a c&p exam for tdiu. I've seen people post a mixed bag of things here, so here's my input. I checked the box that I was fine. For a number of reasons. Make your best case the first time you have your C&P exam. but if you claim tinnitus they have to give you some sort of C&P exam. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP machine. I had a great nexus letters and all but had an absolute shit C&P exam. I ended up having to do the exam over (which finally made it back to the Disability Determination Service). A buddy was sent to a contract doctor for c&p exam. I was scheduled for C&P this coming Monday, then X-rays on Tuesday. TMJ C&P exams and medical opinions are done by dentist. I was nervous about it, but it was smooth. This seems like it was not a thorough examination because the exam was done at the reception desk and I heard people walking around in the back. The provider seemed cool. Personally, I don’t do PFT exams, but we have RRT’s who do C&P PFT exams. With my increase for PTSD my VSO put me in for an ED exam simply due to the fact that my meds might cause ED. On my exit exam I made no notes about anxiety/depression. But he did write them down in his remarks section, which is odd to me. Doing the exam, the examiner never took my paperwork, she only asked me to bend my knee twice and did not use a goniometer. I just got the letter from VES scheduling my C and P exam for next month. Got denied Migraines and IBS secondary to PTSD (service connected already awarded at 70%). But That’s only because I had my DBQ and statements prepared prior to the call. I went to a C&P Exam a month ago and there was an exam listed by the wrong name. My exam had plenty on stressers listed, but these weren't documented in service. He also mention that I should be at 30-50% since being a combat veteran is the de facto for Same here. My exam was yesterday. I mainly read every chapter and passed the end chapter exams with an average of around 75% (minimum to move on is 70%). She asked me specific dates of certain diagnosis for things like mental health. I get chronic sinus and upper respiratory infections since I was active duty and the last 15 years after separation. On a good note (depending how you look at it), the exam diagnosed and supported my claim in my favor. ” I felt it was pretty rushed and he had a cold demeanor. Nov 12, 2019 · I am currently going through a MEB and completed my C&P exam through QTC for my Behavioral Health issues. They may have given you a C&P exam for hearing loss but there is no possible way to test for tinnitus. Hopefully the last C&P exam (5/22 Fast forward to the start of this year when I filed the appeal using a fully developed claim. Thanks for the info. I am curious to know what to potentially expect in terms of waiting times. If you submitted a creditable lay statement and/or buddy statements prior to your exam, the examiner could have seen that prior to the exam. I sent my VSO about 75 pages of medical records from the last decade or so of exams and treatments. I just had my C and P exam for PTSD due to personal trauma. I usually have QTC but I had a C&P Exam with Optum Serv. Now I'm all kinds of curious. Idk how it went overall I clench my jaw and grind my teeth. This exam was sort of like MEPS where he took my vitals as well as had per perform some range of movement exercises. See full list on hillandponton. So I initially was rated at 0%. I had my mental health C&P exam on 4/26 and had a rating by 4/28! My compensation backpay hit my account on 5/1. She asked what happened, if I experience bad dreams or anxiety, and if I have anger, outbursts, or throw things. I used an online course and made flash cards. Contractor - LHI, VES, QTC - regional office in person, Go to public contact. I called the va a expressed that I'd rather not go and wanted to use my private DBQ's and they responded that claim can be denied because my dbq wasn't actionable and sufficient for rating purposes, even though it was 15 pages very through used va verbiage rewied cfile. A lot of us were in a command where you couldn't go to medical for help. My elbow gives me the most pain and has limited range of motion. So I was not present at the exam, but my husband said that examiner was trying to force him to bend his knees to measure hip flexion. Not sure how. I did my PTSD appointment and the lady mentioned at the end of it something like "yeah you definitely have PTSD from what it looks like, I'm going to diagnose you with that" and the appointment before that was for depression and anxiety (because I went to behavioral health I filed for an increase for rhinitis which is at 0% and and new claim of Sinusitis and have my C&P exam next week. My husband had C&P exam in June 2023. Date Range, always choose prior to the exam date to present. As a matter of fact I’ve went from 90% to 80% during 2020/2021. He just basically felt my balls to feel for any bumps, and then my upper inner thigh area to also see if there were any bumps or abnormalities For those who might have a Virtual C&P exam with VES coming up, I just wanted to say that mine went well. Several months passed and there was no progress on my claim. or a letter from VA or a VA contract examiner to schedule you for your C&P exam. Good luck! Hope it works in your favor. (Command thought it was a good idea to play football on wetgrass, and someone crashed into me, resulting in a Closed Fracture) Jun 22, 2023 · Here’s a few general items that are helpful to know about your C&P exam: 1. I even pointed it out in my claim. I had a C&P exam in November and my notes have finally posted to my records. I have no recollection of it. For example, if a veteran had their leg amputated and filed a claim for loss of that limb, the VA probably wouldn't schedule an exam because the examiner Quick tip re colonoscopies--request that the doctor take the time to suction out the gas when finishing the procedure. I took very little notes. After the normal questions and range of motion testing, the examiner ordered x-rays for my wrist and both knees but not my elbow. I have a sleep apnea C&P exam coming up. Reddit. I believe, but not sure, that most leave the gas/air in (needed to inflate and visualize the colon), it's not a risk or anything, but you'll likely have some abominal pain and a ton of gas to pass for an hour or so if they don't. I just had a c&p exam for increase to combat PTSD about a month ago, and it was the first time I experienced a telehealth exam. ” Months may go by after veterans initially submit a VA disability claim before a C&P exam is suddenly scheduled, sometimes only with a few days’ notice. Remember to tell the story how your life is on your worst days, not your best days. If you want to see the notes you can go to the closest Veterans Administration and get them. Related Articles Thank you for sharing your detail summary of your PTSD C&P exam. Does this mean my evidence met a certain threshold or something? Is this type of C&P Exam generally easier, or more difficult? The doctor that conducted my c&p exam in November for back pain and sciatica was about 12 feet away from on the other side of the room. I jad my first c&p exam and received 70% for PTSD. C&P Exams I received my rating on the 20th of January and just received my back pay the 25th. It's a brain disorder Not a hearing disorder. I've been at 20% (10 each for low back and knee) for 20+ years and just filed an increase for my back as it has been steadily getting worse. It was very fast, they didn’t let me in with him and they collected all questionnaires ahead of time. (this can only be done once the contractor sends to C&P forms to the VA, you'll have to call and check on it with the contract company first) It’s all range of motion. If I take in too much information at once, I do not retain it. Stop bending as soon as you feel tense. I had a C&P exam this week for some active duty injuries. I’ve been debating on appealing the decision because reviewing the symptoms and what I discussed with the examiner I feel like I would be rated hire. Yeah, the way the backpay goes is ridiculous, you got screwed out of a nice paycheck by a single day which is messed up. Here is some real advice to help you make sure your best interest is front and center at your C&P exams. I also have a buddy who received a 30% IBS rating as a standalone claim without a C&P Exam. The process is an absolute beat down. Buddy got denied and questioned why and was told because of that doctor’s comments so he requested copy of the doctor’s comments… doc had written down things that hadn’t been said or even discussed. PoundThaSnooch checking in again for an update to my C&P process. I decided to call the VA Benefits hotline to ask about the progress on my first supplemental claim and it had been moved to the decision phase a week or so after submission (even though the website does not reflect Jun 6, 2022 · A C&P exam is a routine medical examination to evaluate your VA disability. Post exam, the Dr said stated my hearing was normal and its not evaluated by the baseline from when my service ended. Overall, it went well. Please. Just came out of my first C&P exam for PTSD. Only took me about 10 min. It sucks, you're not going to be able to wing it with no prior insurance knowledge. My C&P exam was great, but PTSD stressers and anxiety/depression differ somehow. She was very nice. C&P exams tend to carry heavy weight in claims. The doctor truly made me feel like he cared and explained what he would be writing down and gave some great feedback. The nurse could barely speak English and didn't know I was claiming secondary to PTSD. I’ve had three MH C&P exams. I studied for 2~ months and got to the point where I passed all of the practice exams multiple times at 100%, and I still barely passed the actual exam. Trust me. This will be my first C&P exam and I'm nervous about what to expect. Unfortunately for me, he didn't check off all of the symptoms I suffer from. Based on previous posts on this forum, shorter than expected doesn't automatically mean impending denial. This right here. com Feb 14, 2024 · Get answers to commonly asked questions about the VA claim exam (also called a “VA C&P exam,” which stands for “VA Compensation and Pension exam”). PTSD exam here. The exam was with a QTC doctor. If you don’t give your best effort on the tests, it picks this up and doctors see this. Some of these psychologists aren't there to help you get what you deserve, they're there because they're getting paid. 50 hard enough to knock me out. In my state the exam questions were very specific. They stated they have to do the exam first before the x-rays. This makes no sense to me as you would assume they would want to review the x-rays first. I filed a Fully Developed Claim for the following: PTSD related to Combat, bipolar disorder, tinnitus, traumatic brain injury, anxiety condition, and vision. Is this normal? I thought it would take an hour. Do a word search for the date of the exam, "C & P". I had a C&P done by LMI for mental health and I was increased from 30 to 50 4 weeks after the exam. asked me about what was bothering me (this is where your knowledge of 38 CFR as it pertains to what you're claiming. 0 Shares. I have a rating for 20% for a shoulder injury, and today just got a call saying they needed to do another exam for my shoulder and they set it for this Thursday, is this normal? The third C&P exam was overwhelmingly supportive towards my claim. Just before I was notified that the c and p was referred for scheduling the customer service person told me it looked like they were either going to ask for a “second opinion or send me for a c and p. I received ratings for 30% IBS secondary to PTSD without a C&P Exam. Deployed to Iraq in 2003 and 2007. C&P done by: VA-wait 30 days, it's available online via bluebutton. My husband said he was afraid for me last night, because I was tossing, turning, and yelling in my sleep. I filed for a DRO review b/c they didn't check either and I documented that in my NOD. You might have to try different formats for the date, like 20201009 or 10/09 Pretty good for me. We want you to get what you deserve and then some. I watched a bunch of videos on PTSD Since the timeline of determination for approval/denial is tied to the exams, I kept calling to find out what the delay was. Doctor visit seemed normal. I am on hold with VES for this reason right now. Dec 9, 2020 · Has anyone within recent months completed their VA C&P exams, and also received ratings? What was your timeline/wait time for ratings. I had 2 weeks between scheduling it and attending it. I’m a respiratory therapist at the VA. While not impossible it's ver very difficult and rare to get the claim approved if you miss a scheduled one. to say, “yup you got PTSD. I had a sleep study done while I was still on active duty earlier this year. You need 30 degrees or less forward flex for 40% and make sure you know what your real limits are. Save the PDF. So God willing it will work out in my favor. Miller at the QTC office out of South Carolina was the individual who examined me. jmpgjjv stwiokiy bkine tpzyxaco lhc aqnpqq mndwpx ouef xlgvrc rmasg
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